WE-100 - Welding Fume Extractor
Captures up to 99.97% of 0.3 Micron Noxious Fumes
Manufactured in Taiwan
Ideal for extracting harmful welding fumes
- Portable and light weight design
- 390 m3/hour
- 2 x 800W 240V motor, 2 speeds
- 5 layers of filters
- Captures up to 99.97% of 0.3 micron noxious fumes
- Includes 3 metre x 2-1/2" hose and magnetic base hood with arm support
- Stage 1. Air enters from the extraction hood & passes through five layer of high efficiency filters
- Stage 2. The air passes through the first stainless steel layer net, which captures 95% of the sparks and steel chips
- Stage 3. Air then enters the 35% & 85% pre-filter for screening small particles and absorbs the oil
- Stage 4. The pleated filter captures up to 85% of the 1 micron particles & fine dust
- Stage 5. Finally the pleated HEPA filter cleans noxious fumes and captures up to 99.97% of the 0.3 micron particles.