VF-4SS - Vertical Machining Center
3 Axis
The Haas high-performance Super-Speed vertical machining centers provide the high spindle speeds, fast rapids, and quick tool changes necessary for high-volume production and reduced cycle times. Each SS machine features a 12,000-rpm, inline direct-drive spindle, an ultra-fast side-mount tool changer, and high-speed rapids on all axes. The VF-4SS is our best selling medium-sized VMC – the perfect high-production workhorse.
- High-speed spindle
- Fast rapids
- Super-speed side-mount tool changer
- More X- and Z-axis travel
- 12,000-rpm Spindle
- Standard Program Memory, 1 GB
- 55-Gallon Coolant Tank
- Early Power-Failure Detection Module
- Ethernet Interface
- HaasConnect: Remote monitoring
- HaasDrop.
- Lifting Provision
- Media Display M-Code; M130
- Rigid Tapping
- Safe Run.
- High-Speed 30+1 Side-Mount
- Power Surge Protection
- 1-Year Standard Warranty
- Control Touch Screen
- Variable Flow Coolant
- WiFi Connection for the Haas Control
- Window Air Blast
- Automatic Coolant Refill
- Coolant Mist Condenser
- Visual Part Programming System
- User-Definable Macros
- Spindle Orientation
- Coordinate Rotation and Scaling
- Coolant Tank Oil Skimmer
- BT-Style Tool Changer Grippers
Optional Accessories
- Through-Spindle Coolant
- 4th-Axis Drive and Wiring .
- Wireless Intuitive Probing System
- Chip Auger
- Coolant Maintenance Package
- Export Packaging
- *Through-Tool Air Blast
- High-Speed Machining
- Internal High-Voltage Non-Isolated Transformer for 380-480V operation; non-USA
- Auxiliary Coolant Filter
- Chip Tray Filter Kit