Your Store: 2 Waiouru Road, East Tamaki 2013 | Ph: (09) 2717 234

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Discount Vouchers

Discount Vouchers Terms & Conditions

Vouchers are redeemable only on the Machineryhouse website and are intended for online orders only.

Each Voucher is identified by a Voucher Code and has different requirements and rewards. Please check your Voucher — all requirements stated on the Voucher must be met to receive the discount.

Voucher values are as specified on the Voucher.

Vouchers are intended for single use only. Limit one (1) Voucher per redemption. Only one Voucher can be used per order.

A Voucher may not be used in conjunction with the purchase of products sold by or under the brands of third parties, including, but not limited to, Machineryhouse affiliates or third-party merchants (including Web sites linked to any existing Machineryhouse website).

In the case of a multiple-item order, the value of the Voucher is allocated to each item based on the proportion of the item’s value to the total value of all items, excluding shipping charges.

Certain items may not be eligible for discount.

A Voucher cannot be used to pay for shipping and handling, or other charges.

If your Voucher has a minimum purchase requirement, shipping and handling, and other charges do not apply towards the minimum purchase amount.

Some promotional offers may not be combined with other offers in the same order. Note: only one Voucher code may be used per order.

Each Voucher is valid for a limited time only and expires on the date specified in the offer.

Reproduction, sale or trade of any Voucher is prohibited and are not redeemable for cash.

Voucher cannot be replaced if lost, stolen, or deleted.

A voucher cannot be applied to orders previously placed with Machineryhouse.

If a Voucher is used and your entire order is cancelled or rejected, or if you return all items in your order, you will be refunded the actual amount paid and your Voucher will no longer be valid.

If a Voucher is redeemed on a multiple item order, the value of the Voucher is divided equally between those items. If one of those items is cancelled, rejected, or issued either a full or partial refund, the Voucher savings cannot be transferred to the remaining items in the order.

Free Gift items cannot be returned for credit, or exchanged for other items, and also not redeemable for cash, free gifts are still subject to standard warranty terms.

Returning items that incurred Free Gifts will be subject to our standard returns policy, and all items including free gifts must be returned prior any credit or refund is given.

Machineryhouse reserves the right to discontinue a Voucher at any time.